Friday, July 21, 2006

I Have been Paging through Blogs

I have become somewhat of a blog person. Meaning I like looking at blogs and what they talk about. Some are very interesting and insightful and some are less than that.
I just get hooked on what other people want to write about. I have read some that can really peak my interest and some that I really have no interest in. Take a trip through the next blog after this, then after that and so on.

Up in the corner of most of the blogs you can type a keyword or something you might interest you, and it will pop up for you. There are a lot of tech blogs and porn blogs, and knitting blogs. Some are from kids just wanting to vent about their parents or friends. They all have something to say and we should all find out what they are saying.There are a lot of Sports blogs, and picture blogs and you can take a trip around the world just looking at picture blogs.
There are some about Movies and actors and actresses. It can be a very interesting afternoon.
You can click on some links and be taken to an entirely new subject.
I personally have a lot of fun just clicking on other blogs.